Archive Page 2

Nothing can ruin a day like biting your tongue.

I was chewing my breakfast bagel pretty fast because I was running pretty late for work. (drinking late on a weeknight again) Just as I grabbed my briefcase from the table and swung around to head for the door, I felt my teeth pierce my tongue.  As I swung around, I let go of the briefcase to grab my mouth, it flew across the kitchen into the sink. I let out a scream but it came out sounding weird, almost like a howl.  It really freaked out my dog, he ran into the living room and hid under the couch, I don’t even know how he got under there, the couch is pretty low.

So since this morning all I can taste is blood and I keep touching my tongue, feeling the cut with my finger.  This lead me to feel my teeth, thinking that they seem a little sharper than usual.  Is this possible? Can teeth become sharper? Is this part of my curse? Maybe my teeth are falling apart into sharp stubs. Or maybe I just have never really felt up my teeth like this before.  I could ask my dentist but he will probably laugh at me like my doctor.

break-up beard

Well I’ve drank most of my troubles away.

I’m allowed to go through a period of mourning right? I’ve been wearing the same tshirt for 3 days now.

Sporting a wicked break-up beard though check it out

What? too much?

I’m kidding that’s not me. But seriously my beard is close to this and it’s only been 3 days.

This is getting ugly…

Bad news. My girlfriend broke up with me. She said it’s because of my temper.

But here’s the thing, I’m not an angry guy. This is a new thing. In the past month, every little thing she does pisses me off.

And I yell and scream and throw things.

I feel really bad about this.

Dog’s still acting up. So much for man’s best friend. I guess I’m just a lone wolf.

Am I cursed?

With all the strange goings-on lately, my friends have started to say I’m cursed.

And as crazy as it sounds…I’m starting to believe them. I don’t know my own strength anymore.

I went to move a chair yesterday and literally broke it in 2.

I’m stumbling over things…and every time I go out drinking with my buddies, even if I don’t drink that much

I end up waking up somewhere and not remembering how I got there. Sometimes it’s halfway across town!

Anyway, I’ll be honest I googled ‘being cursed’ and apparently there are people out there who are just as paranoid as I. Maybe it’s just coincidence but the fact that it’s starting to effect my friends/girlfriend I’m wondering if this is just a bad luck streak or is it actually possible to be cursed?

Who better to consult when you’re paranoid but Dr. Phil. Thank god for this guy…check out these

Sad people who think they’re cursed.

A touchy subject

Manscaping. The term was foreign to me until a few days ago. The girl I’m dating who shall remain anonymous pointed out something to me yesterday. I’m a hairy guy. I know you’re thinking sure who isn’t…but really, I think I must be going through puberty again or something but my god my back looks like a shag rug.

Anyway she actually said I should go get waxed…WOAH are you nuts? I’m considering finding a new girlfriend.

However…I’ve never been able to grow a beard in an afternoon. Seriously. Something is going on here.

The wind through my car?

Thought I’d post this. For some reason this commercial made me laugh.

Am I going crazy?

Sorry about cutting my last post short. I’ve been getting these headaches lately. Maybe it’s just stress?

My dog is still acting up, he’s 5 years old and he’s acting like a puppy again like he doesn’t know me

This isn’t helping my situation. Let me break it down for you. I’ve been having crazy nightmares lately where I’m running, through the streets, through the woods, but I’m not running from something, but after something. Like I’m an animal hunting.

However, although I’ve had zero sleep I’ve had more strength than I ever had. I’ve also had an immense appetite, and as the weeks role on, I can’t stop eating. I think I went to the grocery store 3 times this week and have an insatiable appetite for steak.

I tend to get a little paranoid so I went to the doctor. He more or less laughed at me.

Maybe I’ll feel better tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted.

Is there anybody out there?

Hello Internet world. I’m starting this blog as a means to document some strange occurrences that have been happening with me lately. I seem to forget a lot of what happens so this way, I can record these strange happenings and also – this is an appeal to anyone out there who might be going through the same thing as me. I’m just your regular everyday guy. I’m 35, have a boring banking job. No wife or kids – still working on that. I have a dog although lately even he’s turned against me for some reason and won’t come within ten feet of me even if I have his favorite treats on hand.

Anyway, this all started about a month ago. I was taking my dog Charger out for a walk in the park one night, when he seemed to get really agitated. He took off running with such force that I couldn’t even hold him back by his leash. He took off into the woods and distinctly heard sounds like he was fighting with something, I don’t know what it was but anything attacks MY dog and I’ll attempt to break it up. I came behind a large shrub and only saw the hind legs of my dog like he was struggling so I grabbed onto his leg. It was all a blur really but whatever the animal was that Charger was fighting…it bit me. Right on my shoulder. Naturally, I freaked out and believe me once I got Charger out of there I went straight to emergency. The doctors were just as perplexed as I was, I got a rabies shot, 2 stitches and was out of there. Anyway, it cleared up okay after a week or so. Anyway, I’m getting a pounding headache just thinking about it so I’ll fill you in on what’s happened tomorrow.